The SmartEndo kit is an upgrade in every essential hand instruments you need for most of your daily endodontic procedures. This minimalist set was developed in collaboration with the founder and members of the Style Italiano Endodontics group. In the SmartEndo kit, you will find:
- a very thin and long endodontic explorer, to find and explore root canals
- a double-sided endodontic probe to create safe and correct cavity access
- an endodontic ruler / sealer mixer pad to measure rotary and manual files, adjust guttapercha cone length, mix and apply sealer
- an advanced endodontic instrument to fill long canals and remove filling materials from the wall
- a double-sided endodontic plugger to compact filling material with control
- a high-quality mirror
Photo by Matthieu Croizier
These instruments were tried and tested by several endodontic experts. You can find many case reports and clinical videos using the SmartEndo kit on Style Italiano Endodontics website. Here is a selection of the most read and shared articles:
- Retreatment cases simplified with MisurEndo & Explora by Dr Marc Habib
- Partial Necrosis of a Root Canal System by Dr. Marc Habib
- Management of the apical inflammatory root resorption by Dr. Bartłomiej Karaś
- Ledge detection and bypass with Explora after broken file removal by Dr Marc Kaloustian
- MTA apexification procedure of an immature mandibular premolar with a necrotic pulp using Deppeler’s Smart Endo Kit by Dr. Xavier-Fructuós Ruiz
- Prexo as new plugger for the ideal MTA apical plug by Dr. Riccardo Tonini